Age? 19
Sex? Female
What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
Health stuides
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
No it does not
If so, how? And if not, why not?
To be honest I chose this because I liked the sound of it and because one of the other models I was doing got cannceled at the last minute.
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
I found it not too hard nor easy.
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
Yes I do because they are to do with `being bad`
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
Yeah like drugs, abourtion
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
What did you think of the module team?
Team worked well together.
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:Small group discussions?
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
Information and talk from lecturers?
Yes some times
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? Yes
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Yes some of them
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? No
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Yes because I have enjoyed ot a lot and I new they will too.
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? Yes
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
I rather have 2 two shorter ones because you can do it on different things
What have you learned from the module?
Why people do thing that are so bad in other peopels eyes
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
Blogs because learing about what other people think about the topics
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
Gamling because everyone knew what it is and how people can go.
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
I have enjoyed the module and learned so may things that I did not know and I looked forward to lectures.
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Drug addiction takes place when a person is in lack of willpower, by poverty, moral weakness, mental illness, genetics, family socialization, anti-social personalities, and societal problems. Some scientists believe drug addiction is a disease, although the evidence to support this theory is weak.
There are may different kinds of drugs and the treatment for them depends on the drug that is being taken.
A person can be atticated to a drug depending on many factors including your genes (which you inherit from your parents) and the biology of your body. All drugs are potentially harmful and may have life-threatening consequences associated with their use.
What causes the attention? Well there are many things that can cause a person to be addicted to drugs for example people may:-
v have low self-concepts,
v feel bad about themselves
v have a higher rate of addiction
v low self-concepts
v Physical or emotional pain etc...
There are many young people who try drugs because there friends are doing it and they too get addicted on it.
There are may different kinds of drugs and the treatment for them depends on the drug that is being taken.
A person can be atticated to a drug depending on many factors including your genes (which you inherit from your parents) and the biology of your body. All drugs are potentially harmful and may have life-threatening consequences associated with their use.
What causes the attention? Well there are many things that can cause a person to be addicted to drugs for example people may:-
v have low self-concepts,
v feel bad about themselves
v have a higher rate of addiction
v low self-concepts
v Physical or emotional pain etc...
There are many young people who try drugs because there friends are doing it and they too get addicted on it.
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Money plays a central role in our lives.
Most people don't spend much time wondering what money is, their major concern is how much they have, and how to get more. Some of us have a lot of it some of us have not so much. For some people, it's a cure for all problems, but for others, it's a curse.
Why is money such a big thing, I mean people kill, betray, lie, and do all sort of things just to have money whether its only a little bit or a lot.
I believe that if you have money just enough to support your family and you work hard for your money then the person will feel happier in life compare to the person who breaks the law or other people’s hearts just to get money then they will never be happy for the rest of their life. Ok you have your ups and downs but it does not mean you have to bad things to get what ever you want.
Most people don't spend much time wondering what money is, their major concern is how much they have, and how to get more. Some of us have a lot of it some of us have not so much. For some people, it's a cure for all problems, but for others, it's a curse.
Why is money such a big thing, I mean people kill, betray, lie, and do all sort of things just to have money whether its only a little bit or a lot.
I believe that if you have money just enough to support your family and you work hard for your money then the person will feel happier in life compare to the person who breaks the law or other people’s hearts just to get money then they will never be happy for the rest of their life. Ok you have your ups and downs but it does not mean you have to bad things to get what ever you want.
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
"Stalking is any behavior that would make a reasonable person feels threatened, intimidated, annoyed, or afraid."
There are one in 12 women who has been staked in there lifetime. Many stalkers have pre-existing psychotic disorders such as delusional disorder, schizo affective disorder, or schizophrenia. Most stalkers are non psychotic and exhibit disorders such as major depression, adjustment disorder, or substance dependence. Some of them have been hurt by being dumped and the fact of seeing their ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. To the victim staking can be a terrifying experience, leading them to live in fear. I do not understand why people do it; they should know that it must be hurting the person. Anyway what ever the reason for the person to stalks some one it’s wrong.
The victim becomes the stalker's source of self-esteem, and the loss of the relationship becomes the stalker's greatest fear. This dynamic makes a stalker dangerous (this how Stalking can become violent).
There are one in 12 women who has been staked in there lifetime. Many stalkers have pre-existing psychotic disorders such as delusional disorder, schizo affective disorder, or schizophrenia. Most stalkers are non psychotic and exhibit disorders such as major depression, adjustment disorder, or substance dependence. Some of them have been hurt by being dumped and the fact of seeing their ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. To the victim staking can be a terrifying experience, leading them to live in fear. I do not understand why people do it; they should know that it must be hurting the person. Anyway what ever the reason for the person to stalks some one it’s wrong.
The victim becomes the stalker's source of self-esteem, and the loss of the relationship becomes the stalker's greatest fear. This dynamic makes a stalker dangerous (this how Stalking can become violent).
Friday, 4 May 2007
RESPONCE TO SUMANS BLOG on being to religious 04/2007
I agree with you that Religion is just lifestyle you choose and that religion will specify outlines in the way you live your life. So why do people take it in too much for example killing other people.People will like you for who you are and not necessarily what religion you chose to be.
I agree with you but however i do think that there are people who are out there who see ur religion first then get to know you much better. and i believe that this is not wright.I personally think that being a strong believer in god is not bad because as you pointed out thatit gives you the possibility of belonging to community by simply believing in a God.
I feel for you lol.
just like you i absolutely hate it when people are in the bar area and all u can smell is smoke and even if you are walking around people smoke in your face, i hate that you start to smell it all on you.just like you said that it does not look cool. smoking is a bad thing and it has kill so may people people with cancer and other disease so why does not people think that they can be killed by this and try to stop?Instead of one day to be a smoke free day i think that it should last for a week so people could at least have more idea of how it feels like when they do not smoke and maybe lead them to stop completely.
RESPONCE TO CLAIRES BLOG on Theft that was done on 22/04/2007
I agree with you that theft is wrong and people should not do it.if people are in a situation that they are hungry and have noting to eat and they can die from not eating then i do think that stealing can be be OK.Something happened few few weeks back when i was in the Brigham shopping center shopping for some shoes you know how us girls love to shop lol, anyway there was 2 girls who had stolen a jacked Worth £25 and they got caught, they was taken to the police station .funny thing was that they where not upset about it because they was smiling and laughing as it was not a big deal to them, these are the kind of people who are braking the law and are in the wrong. on being to religious 04/2007
I agree with you that Religion is just lifestyle you choose and that religion will specify outlines in the way you live your life. So why do people take it in too much for example killing other people.People will like you for who you are and not necessarily what religion you chose to be.
I agree with you but however i do think that there are people who are out there who see ur religion first then get to know you much better. and i believe that this is not wright.I personally think that being a strong believer in god is not bad because as you pointed out thatit gives you the possibility of belonging to community by simply believing in a God.
I feel for you lol.
just like you i absolutely hate it when people are in the bar area and all u can smell is smoke and even if you are walking around people smoke in your face, i hate that you start to smell it all on you.just like you said that it does not look cool. smoking is a bad thing and it has kill so may people people with cancer and other disease so why does not people think that they can be killed by this and try to stop?Instead of one day to be a smoke free day i think that it should last for a week so people could at least have more idea of how it feels like when they do not smoke and maybe lead them to stop completely.
RESPONCE TO CLAIRES BLOG on Theft that was done on 22/04/2007
I agree with you that theft is wrong and people should not do it.if people are in a situation that they are hungry and have noting to eat and they can die from not eating then i do think that stealing can be be OK.Something happened few few weeks back when i was in the Brigham shopping center shopping for some shoes you know how us girls love to shop lol, anyway there was 2 girls who had stolen a jacked Worth £25 and they got caught, they was taken to the police station .funny thing was that they where not upset about it because they was smiling and laughing as it was not a big deal to them, these are the kind of people who are braking the law and are in the wrong.
Thursday, 3 May 2007

What does gambling mean? Well it has many different meaning to it, depending on the person and their culture.
There are different kinds of gambling for example:-
Non casino gambling games , fixed –odds gambling, Parimutuel betting, Sports betting, Arbitrage betting, Arbitrage betting.
There are all ways some form of gambling going on TV for example Big Brother, election results. Interactive prediction markets also offer trading on these outcomes, with "shares" of results trading on an open market,and on soaps like in Easterners and maybe other soaps they have are had a betting shop in which you can see the charters’ going in and betting on something.
OK I could understand when people gamble with friends (unless they go too far and start to bet for money) what I do not understand is why people gamble and know that they have lost and still on betting even if they have nothing to bet with so they land themselves in BIG trouble.
There are different kinds of gambling for example:-
Non casino gambling games , fixed –odds gambling, Parimutuel betting, Sports betting, Arbitrage betting, Arbitrage betting.
There are all ways some form of gambling going on TV for example Big Brother, election results. Interactive prediction markets also offer trading on these outcomes, with "shares" of results trading on an open market,and on soaps like in Easterners and maybe other soaps they have are had a betting shop in which you can see the charters’ going in and betting on something.
OK I could understand when people gamble with friends (unless they go too far and start to bet for money) what I do not understand is why people gamble and know that they have lost and still on betting even if they have nothing to bet with so they land themselves in BIG trouble.
I think that it is wrong because once you start you cannot hold yourselves back and you keep on gambling and gambling until you have nothing left, however there are people who can control their self and be able to put a stop on it when they know that its going to go too far.
Wednesday, 2 May 2007

There are many different kind of lying, there are little lies, and some that are very big which affects people in many ways for example, by lying you can be playing with peoples feelings.
So why do people lie? :-
1, maybe because they do not want people getting hurt from the truth,
2, fear, this is a common motivator to lye to someone,
3, Habit, it be come a habit for someone to lie about things because as they say once you lye you cannot stop yourself from lying again.
There are many ways that you can tell if someone is lying to you for example: - no eye contact been made to you, every time they take to you their voice and their body language changes, changes the subject all the time.
When somebody lies, that person has to make sure that they can live with that lie and also assume all the consequences of the lie. However not all lies keep in all the time they is a point when they will have to tell the truth.
As they say once a lier always a lier lol
So why do people lie? :-
1, maybe because they do not want people getting hurt from the truth,
2, fear, this is a common motivator to lye to someone,
3, Habit, it be come a habit for someone to lie about things because as they say once you lye you cannot stop yourself from lying again.
There are many ways that you can tell if someone is lying to you for example: - no eye contact been made to you, every time they take to you their voice and their body language changes, changes the subject all the time.
When somebody lies, that person has to make sure that they can live with that lie and also assume all the consequences of the lie. However not all lies keep in all the time they is a point when they will have to tell the truth.
As they say once a lier always a lier lol
Tuesday, 1 May 2007

“Kids” what a film. This was my first time I saw it and I think it would be my last time because I did not like it as much.
However the film was useful in some to me and to the other people because it brought out the awareness about teenagers
“Binge drinking, smoking, and going out and taking drugs”
This film was for teenagers but I think that it should have been for much older people because there were too much sexual things going on that the teenagers should not have seen yet. However if they see it before hand they can learn about it earlier rather it being too late.
` Kids` were done in 1995 by Harmony Korine and Directed by Learry Clark.
Harmony and Learry wanted a message to come across to the teenagers now er days this was that having sex is a big thing to them, it is also dangers and unhealthy as HIV and Aides can be caught and other life effecting disease.
However the film was useful in some to me and to the other people because it brought out the awareness about teenagers
“Binge drinking, smoking, and going out and taking drugs”
This film was for teenagers but I think that it should have been for much older people because there were too much sexual things going on that the teenagers should not have seen yet. However if they see it before hand they can learn about it earlier rather it being too late.
` Kids` were done in 1995 by Harmony Korine and Directed by Learry Clark.
Harmony and Learry wanted a message to come across to the teenagers now er days this was that having sex is a big thing to them, it is also dangers and unhealthy as HIV and Aides can be caught and other life effecting disease.
I guess many children and parents have learned a lot from this and feel that it is very useful for them and for other people to get a better understanding of infectious disease.
Friday, 27 April 2007
Body Modification

What can I say the lecture on this was interesting as well as shocking as ever to see how fare people go to show how well they can look just by tattooing and piercing their body.
I never had a tattoo done, and I think after that lecture I am very happy not to have any thing lol. Don’t get me wrong some tattoos can look really good on people and be a good thing to have, but there are some people who go over the top for example those people who covered in tattoos, to me its going too far.
So many questions came to my mind like:-
1, has too much tattoos lots its original meaning because of the people taking things way too far.
2, why people will go throw that and know that it’s not going to stay for life.
3, why people go throw so much pain just to look good whereby they can do different things that are painless.
However I think that people have there own points of view about things and if they want to go throw the pain to look that’s up to them.
I never had a tattoo done, and I think after that lecture I am very happy not to have any thing lol. Don’t get me wrong some tattoos can look really good on people and be a good thing to have, but there are some people who go over the top for example those people who covered in tattoos, to me its going too far.
So many questions came to my mind like:-
1, has too much tattoos lots its original meaning because of the people taking things way too far.
2, why people will go throw that and know that it’s not going to stay for life.
3, why people go throw so much pain just to look good whereby they can do different things that are painless.
However I think that people have there own points of view about things and if they want to go throw the pain to look that’s up to them.
Thursday, 26 April 2007
I think that taking money off someone and not giving them what they want is not prostitution; however this could be looked up on a different way because people could say that if someone gives you money they would want something back in return.If man gives women money in return of sex and the woman takes the money and gives him what he wants then the deal was made and both got what they wanted. However if the man just expects the women to take the money and give him what he wants but she does not I say that is not prostitution.
what do you think? Do you think that it should be legal?
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
In the lecture i learned a lot about masturbation for example why people do it, what pleasure they get out of it, other names for masturbation e.g frigging,whacked it,tossed it off etc...the history and Ritual and politics etc.. we had a worksheet to fill out,we had to guess which answers are men’s and which are women’s and to my surprise they all where female and one just one was male. So why is sex as a subject is more talked about in readily but it is very hard or very embracing to talk about masturbation? is it because it is seen as a bad thing to do? What do you think?
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
After going to the lecture on shoplifting i have learned a lot from it,It gave me a great understanding of the difference between shoplifting and theft,at the start i thought that both are crimes, both are breaking the law so what difference does it make? however it could make a big difference both can be looked up on in different ways for example shoplifting can be done to get power, show to themselves that they can do bad thing and feel good about it where as if theft can be seen in a different way like a little thing to them they could be showing of to someone to prove to them they can. The idea of shoplifting to people are that it is fun and really brave thing to do, well i think its not at all.
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Being to religious

Is being to religious a bad thing or good?
well i think it is good because it gives the person an aim and something to guide from.
"excessive religious behavior" it was suggested that this could be "UN-trendy" very serious and visible to people also make people very uncomfortable.
I personally feel that religion is not bad because i am a religious person who does not feel that being too religious is such a bad as people make it out to be, however i do think that some people can make it go over hand. It can make a excuse for many things for example abuse, causing violence and not getting on with other people.
most people think that religion is bad because of the wars and arguments with people but i would say i would not blame religion as much as people are because having faith and hope is not bad, it depends on the person if they want to go far for example killing people.
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
Bandits And Out Laws
In this week we did about "bandits and outlaws"in the lecture we had to think about when are the bad guys the good guys?
social bandits are champions of the week for example we can think of so many people who are bad but they are like this because they help the weak, lets take Robin Hood for example and Ned Kelly,Bonnie & Clyde and many more.
there was so many questions that came up like can bad guys be good guys, in what contexts can villains became heroic figures? main question what came to mind was are theses peoples heroes or villains? personally i think that they are goods guys because they are doing it for the poor so is not that a good thing?????
social bandits are champions of the week for example we can think of so many people who are bad but they are like this because they help the weak, lets take Robin Hood for example and Ned Kelly,Bonnie & Clyde and many more.
there was so many questions that came up like can bad guys be good guys, in what contexts can villains became heroic figures? main question what came to mind was are theses peoples heroes or villains? personally i think that they are goods guys because they are doing it for the poor so is not that a good thing?????
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
Infidelity and Adultery
I never been in a relationship, so i will not know how it feels like to be cheated on however i have been hearing about the pain it causes and i would not like to be put in that situation.
in the lecture we learned a lot about infidelity what it is, for example: cheating on a partner, sleeping around, flirting around etc... then there was some confessions from the audience which was written down and many people have said that they have been in the situation where they have cheated on there partner.
People commit infidelity for many reasons it could be because they are bored, want more form someone else rather than there wife,husband,girlfriend or boyfriend or it could be that it was a one night stand, however at the end there is always someone getting hurt.
Thursday, 22 February 2007
smoking bad or good?
It has come to my mind alot since last lecture on smoking, i kind of had a idea of smoking being bad for you however it did not cross my mind of how much smoking can effect someone and how flims prevent smoking as being a normal thing all so it has been playing a very big in the society. i have tryed it once and never liked it and after that i never tried it again. personly i could understand why people like to smoke because it could be " being bad "lol however some people smoke to look cool or cannot come of them {even if they know they are bad for you}
many peopel smoke because of Peer pressure, Parental smoking,Smoking in movies and television, as an image towards the others.
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