Wednesday 7 March 2007

Infidelity and Adultery

I never been in a relationship, so i will not know how it feels like to be cheated on however i have been hearing about the pain it causes and i would not like to be put in that situation.
in the lecture we learned a lot about infidelity what it is, for example: cheating on a partner, sleeping around, flirting around etc... then there was some confessions from the audience which was written down and many people have said that they have been in the situation where they have cheated on there partner.

People commit infidelity for many reasons it could be because they are bored, want more form someone else rather than there wife,husband,girlfriend or boyfriend or it could be that it was a one night stand, however at the end there is always someone getting hurt.


Precious J said...

I agree with you, regardless of the reasons why people betray others, someone will always end getting hurt.

I think that its selfish and irresponsible, and would never do that to someone, regardless how attracted to them I was.
I knw someone who betrayed there wife by cheating on her with an 18 year old, and ended up getting her pregnant.

Precious J said...

I agree with you. Betrayal is a horrible thing and regardless of the reasons why people do, someone always ends up getting hurt.

I think that its so selfish and unfair...

I knw someone who cheated on his wife with an 18 year old and ended up getting her pregnant...